Holy Ramzan: Lawful earning a pre-condition

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
Lawful earning for honest livelihood is a must for acceptance of any prayer to Allah. Virtue of fasting also depends on lawful earning and the legal source of livelihood. Because, unlawful income is immoral and Islam does not approve
any immoral, unethical activity for earning. A dishonest person, who earns illegally, can not be virtuous in religious perspective. Dishonest businessmen hoard essential commodities and exploit the buyers by creating artificial crisis in the market that causes price hike. This happens often during Ramzan. This is a crime and goes against the Islamic order. Some businessmen are also involved in food adulteration which pose serious threat to public health.
Hoarding is unlawful. It is completely against Islamic code and laws. It causes speedy rise of price of essential commodities and creates misery and suffering to people of low-income group. The holy Hadith forbids this inhuman activity.
The merchants, who go on making unlawful profit through hoarding and creating crisis in the market and also observe fasting, should abstain from this anti-social activity. Dishonesty in weighing and selling is also against Islamic business system and norms. This is a way of cheating the buyers and earning through this is unlawful. Maintaining livelihood through such dishonest means makes the fasting a vain. So, businessmen should abstain from such anti-social crimes. The holy Quran warns against the woeful consequences of such businessmen :
“Woe to those/ That deal in fraud-/ Those who, when they/ Have to receive by measure/ From men, exact full measure/But when they have/ To give by measure/Or weigh to men/Give less than due.”[(Al Mutaffifin 83: 1,2) (The Meanings of the Holy Qur’an by Maulana Abdullah Yusuf Ali)]
“In order that ye may/ Not transgress (due) balance,/ So establish weight with justice/ And fall not short/ In the balance.” [(55:8,9) (Do)]
Undue profit by such fraudulent means is totally forbidden. One should think of such woeful consequences. Fasting or any ritual should be observed by taking food from lawful earning. Otherwise, observing prayers and rituals-be it Salaat, Siam or Hajj-may be in vain.