Launching of Bangabandhu-1 satellite deferred

UNB, Dhaka :
Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ICT) Minister Mustafa Jabbar on Wednesday said the launching schedule of Bangladesh first satellite Bangabandhu-1 might be deferred again.
The Minister came up with the information at a roundtable discussion title ‘Bangabandhu Satellite: Possibility in Space’.
“The authorities concerned of US company SpaceX has fixed the possible date on May 7 for launching,” said the minister.
The programme was organised by Telecom Reporters’ Network, Bangladesh (TRNB) at Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) office.
Speaking at the roundtable, BTRC Chairman Dr Shahjahan Mahmood said the rescheduling has been done as the weather will not be favorable for launching on May 4.
He also asked all the local television channels to turn their satellite onto Bangabandhu-1, after it will be launched. The launching schedule of the country’s lone satellite has earlier been deferred several times.