Distortion of Bangabandhu's portrait: Latif files GD against Mohiuddin Chy

Chittagong Bureau :

Bandar thana under Chittagong Metro police received a General Diary filed by the lawmaker of Chittagong-11 constituency MA Latif against city Awami League President and former Mayor ABM Mohiuddin Chowdhury for alleged threat to the lawmaker so announced in the recent public meeting at Laldighi Maidan.
The city lawmaker sent the GD to all 16 thanas of CMP by mail and messenger on Thursday afternoon but only Bandar thana police took the GD in cognizance in the evening (GD NO.871).
Bandar thana officer in-charge AKM Mohiuddin Selim told that they have taken GD of the lawmaker of Bandar constituency and taken initiatives for enquiry.
On the other hand CMP commissioner Abdul JalilMondol admitted the receipt of GDs in 16 thanas under CMP which is under scrutiny. It is learnt from different sources of police , after receipt of GD copy , all Officer In-charges of CMP thanas sought specific directives of the CMP Commissioner over the GD matter .
 According to latest decisions of CMP, Bandar thana registered GD of the lawmaker because the complainant is the lawmaker of that area.
In the GD , the lawmaker accused the former Mayor Mohiuddin chowdhury for his warning of movement and declaring persona non-grata in city in the public meeting held on February 15 last at Laldighi Maidan in city.
 The GD was told that the lawmaker fears of life risk or any physical assault by the followers of Mohiuddin Chowddhury as declared in the recent public meeting and the lawmaker also feels insecurity of life.
Mentionable that four suits have been lodged before the Chittagong Metropolitan Session Judge court recently for alleged distortation of the portrait of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
