Latif faces ALCWC action tomorrow


UNB, Savar :Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Friday said Awami League Central Working Committee (ALCWC) will take disciplinary action on Sunday against its presidium member Abdul Latif Siddique for his derogatory remarks on hajj, Tablig Jamaat and the Prime Minister’s son.”A meeting of the Awami League Central Working Committee is set for Sunday. Disciplinary actions will be taken against Latif Siddique at the meeting as announced by the Prime Minister,” he said.Obaidul Quader was talking to reporters after inaugurating a newly constructed bridge at Nolam in the afternoon.Quader said, any leader or minister who will take stand against the party’s principle and ideology cannot be there in the party, no matter how powerful they are.He also observed that the incident involving Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology Minister Abdul Latif Siddique is a wake-up call for those who make unguarded remarks holding important posts.At a press conference on October 3, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said Latif will be removed from the cabinet and the AL working committee will also take a decision on his fate.On September 28, Latif Siddique at a views-exchange meeting with expatriates from Tangail in the USA made disparaging remarks about hajj, Tablig Jamaat and the Prime Minister’s son Sajeeb Wazed Joy.Turning to BNP senior vice-chairman Tarique Rahman, Quader said blasting only bombs of words sitting in London will not help wage any movement in Bangladesh. “You’ll have to wage the movement staying in Dhaka with courage.”He also noted that currently there is no issue in the country over which a movement can be launched. “For this, the country’s people won’ t join the movement. BNP can’t succeed if it goes to wage a movement out of no issue.”The Awami League leader also observed that BNP has lost its importance as a big party through calling movements frequently without any issue.He also said BNP chairperson Khaleda Zia should have realised much earlier that a movement cannot be waged through fixing a timeframe.Local MP Dr Enamur Rahman and senior officials concerned accompanied the minister.
