Large cap securities push stock markets up


Economic Reporter :
Stocks maintained upward trend on Wednesday as the major indices of both Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges were found rising on higher activities of some large-cap securities.
The rising major sectors were travel and leisure, textile and food and allied. Insurance and financial institutions were the major lagging sectors.
The broader DSEX index of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) closed the day with 17.87 points up at 5412.69. The blue-chip DS30 and Shariah DSES also followed the same trend with 11.71 points up at 2009.25 and with 5.16 points up at 1263.64.
The daily turnover in volume increased to 16.41 crore shares from Tuesday’s 16.33 crore shares. But the day’s trade value declined to Taka 544.44 crore from Taka 612.78 crore of the previous session of the week.
At DSE, out of the day’s 324 traded issues, prices of 129 securities closed higher against 143 losing issues.
