Land Ports Problems & Remedies


Dr. Forqan Uddin Ahmed :
The government has declared 24 custom stations out of 81 as land ports for loading-unloading and better management. Among them 12 are operational and the remaining 12 are waiting. Out of the 12 operating ports, seven ports are being operated under the direct supervision of the Bangladesh Land Port Authority, a statutory body under the Ministry of Shipping in Bangladesh.
The remaining five such as Sonamasjid, Hili, Banglabandha, Teknaf and Bibirbazarare are being operated on BOT basis through private operators. Another 12 new land ports are under construction. Benapole land port is very important among the land ports of Bangladesh. About 90 per cent of the total import and export trades are conducted through Benapole land port. In order to reduce the pressure on this land port and to facilitate the import and export of goods by land with India, Bhutan and Nepal, the government launched the Burimari land port in 1988.
The Land Port Authority has been working tirelessly for the last 20 years to create momentum in land import-export activities, facilitation of services and development of international trade. Land port authorities have to work at the border. For this they have to acquire a lot of land and undertake infrastructural construction. There are many problems in land acquisition and it is a matter of time. As a result, the annual development progress slows down, affecting the overall assessment. Moreover, in the case of trilateral trade, the geopolitical issues of other countries often affect the activities of the port. Many times, the Bangladesh Land Port Authority is fully prepared but if the other country does not improve its land port well, then the land port authority in Bangladesh cannot take full advantage of it at home. This requires an integrated and effective system that creates a conducive environment for both parties.
Land ports are contributing 25 percent to the country’s economy through import and export amounting more than Tk 200 crore a year. The government is depositing Tk 30-40 crore every year for VAT, tax and other charges. But there are problems in making the ports more dynamic and efficient. Such as – Benapole of Jessore, Burimari of Lalmonirhat, Akhaura of Brahmanbaria, Sonamasjid of Chapainawabganj, Hili of Dinajpur, Banglabandha of Panchagarh, Teknaf of Cox’s Bazar nd the system of Bhomra land port in Satkhiraare still weak both from infrastructure and security aspect.
Capacity building measures need to be taken to eliminate irregularities and corruption in the ports. Other land ports except Benapole don’t have modern parking facilities and adequate warehouses, weighing machines, banking facilities etc. Therefore, formalities in the port cause delay in crossing the border. It shows a long line of freight trucks. Increased transportation costs have a negative effect on the price of essential commodities. Besides, in order to speed up the work of the ports, it is necessary to modernize the unloading system. Papers need to be computerized, need better quality roads.
It is learned that there is financial crisis as well as bureaucratic complications in the construction of land ports. The construction of a land port involves the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Law, the Ministry of Shipping, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Planning. It is a waste of time to get paperwork approval from each ministry. Due to this, the works do not start in time. In order to increase the revenue of land ports, there is no alternative but to take a firm stand against corruption. The problem is twofold. If the efficiency of the land ports is not increased, the income cannot be increased, and if the income is not increased, the infrastructural development will also be difficult.
Immediate attention should be paid to the following proposals and reforms to eliminate various irregularities and problems in the ports. The Ministry should make arrangements for the recruitment of its own skilled and experienced staff. The security system needs to be strengthened to increase the quality of work. The concerned ministry should be empowered and equipped with logistic and necessary IT support to bring its responsibilities under effective and structural legal reform. Necessary reforms are needed to bring the inter-ministerial works into a strong legal framework. Study, observation, monitoring and evaluation management need to be intensive and effective through its own team. Transparency, accountability and responsibility need to be enhanced in eliminating irregularities and mismanagement.
In the light of the above-mentioned proposals and recommendations, it is necessary to identify and solve a number of problems including infrastructural defects, reform of policies and rules, and tariff system. It is a fundamental responsibility of the neighbouring countries for passenger’s movement and transportation of goods in a smooth and comfortable legal way from one country to another.In this case, providing services and ensuring the welfare of the passengers must be always moral and humanitarian for a state. Incidents such as harassment of passengers in ports call into question.The quality of passenger service tarnishes the image of the country. It is possible to facilitate the public transport system only with positive and cordial attitude.A sense of responsibility and sincerity may solve many complex problems. Harassment or recklessness in providing services is not desirable at all. If necessary, it is possible to take effective steps to end suffering and misery through high-level bilateral talks.

(Dr. Forqan is former Deputy Director General, Bangladesh Ansar & VDP).
