Land Minister inaugurates new mosque in Anwara


Chattogram Bureau :
Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury Jabed, MP, inaugurated the Sadar Ali Jame Mosque near Gahira Dobhasir Bazar in Raipur Union of Anwara Upazila. He inaugurated the two-storey building of the mosque built with private grant. At the time, the land minister said, the Corona epidemic has brought disaster to the lives of people all over the world in the last two years. Due to this epidemic, millions of people in the world have died prematurely. And by the grace of Almighty God, our Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was able to face this difficult situation with great patience and courage.
Not only that, the people’s leader Sheikh Hasina has set a precedent in the world by leading the development of the country with a strong hand even in the midst of extreme disasters. In its continuation, Anwara Karnafuli is also a role model of development. The implementation here is the work of a bunch of big mega projects of the government.
With the launch of Bangabandhu Tunnel, Anwara will be known as a new city in the court of the world.
Anwara Upazila Parishad Chairman Touhidul Haque Chowdhury, Upazila Awami League President Prof MA Mannan Chowdhury, Senior Vice President SM Alamgir Chowdhury, General Secretary MA Malek, Private Secretary to the Land Minister Riduanul Karim Chowdhury Sayem, Raipur Union Chairman Amin Sharif, former Chairman were present on the occasion. Jane Alam, Ed. Imran Hossain Babu, Abdul Karim, Md. Nurul Amin etc. were present on the occasion
