Lana Del Rey’s stalker heads to jail


Singer Lana Del Rey’s stalker has been sentenced to 84 days in jail.
According to court
documents, Rey’s stalker Zachary Self broke into the 30-year-old’s Malibu house last November. At that time, though the singer wasn’t home, construction workers found Self lying
on a mat in the garage, reports
Tracing the stalker, the police found a notepad with disturbing messages, professing his love for the Blue jeans hitmaker along with a ‘notice to appear’ citation for a burglary
in Kansas.
When police officials looked up the name on
the ticket on social media, images of Self on Del Rey’s Malibu balcony emerged along with creepy
messages. In one, he claimed he was ‘engaged
to heaven on Earth with Lana Del Rey.’
The police officials picked him up in December
followed by Self’s declaration that he had become obsessed with the singer while under the influence of hallucinogens. His
family says he’s bi-polar.
Self will be on probation for five years and has been asked to spend a year in
a residential programme. He’s been ordered to stay clear of Del Rey for the next 10 years.
