Lalon song in Ankon’s voice


Entertainment Report :
Among the new generation’s singers, Ankon Yasmin has established her position as a Lalon singer. Before lockdown, she last performed in a stage show in Sunamganj. This time she gave news to this correspondent and that is she lent her voice for a Lalon’s song Asha purno holona. On June 20, shen lent her voice for the song, which music was rearranged by Partho Majumder under the planning of Zooel Morshed. Ankon is very much excited to render the song, which got popularity in voice of Farida Parveen.
While talking about rendering the song Ankon said, “During childhood, I was fan of respected Farida Parveen Apa. I respect and love her so much. I am really delighted to render the song under new musical arrangement. I give thanks to Zooel Morshed Bhai and Partho Dada because they created the song with new musical arrangement and fusion. I really enjoyed rendering the song. I believe
listeners will also enjoy it.”
