Lailatul Qadr observed

UNB, Dhaka :
Muslims across the country observed the holy Lailatul Qadr on Tuesday night with due religious fervour and solemnity.
The holy Quran was revealed to greatest Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) on this night to show mankind the path of worldly and eternal emancipation.
According to the holy Quran, the night is superior to one thousand nights.
Devotees spent the night offering special prayers, reciting from the holy
Quran and hold milad mahfil and zikr.
In their prayers, they sought divine blessings for themselves, country and Muslim Ummah.
They also visited graveyards to seek divine blessings for the departed souls of their near and dear ones.
Bangladesh Television, Bangladesh Betar and private TV channels and radio stations aired special programmes while newspapers published special supplements highlighting the significance of the night.