Lack of training makes police force vulnerable to attacks


THE recent attacks on Checkposts in which two policemen lost lives and left another injured highlighted their vulnerability. Since the authorities provide no transports at checkposts the on duty policemen remain helpless onlookers as the sudden attackers speed away. Due to this basic flaw with the checkposts the cops on duty could not chase speeding attackers, as per a report of a local daily.
The recent deaths of an assistant police sub-inspector and a constable at two checkposts, one in the capital and the other at Ashulia, in 12 days highlighted the vulnerability of cops in security duty. In both the incidents the policemen died due to stabbing and the offenders speed away. The second incident took place at Ashulia on November 4, leaving a policeman injured. The first attack on the police checkpost in the capital took place 12 days earlier. Following the attack at Ashulia three cops fled the check post leaving their colleagues in danger.
The sudden attacks on the checkposts could take place due to the police’s lack of training, equipment and indifference to personal protection. The attacks on police checkposts also brought to light the crucial issues that the police were neither equipped nor prepared to face sudden attacks. The policemen apparently believed that their uniforms would provide them protection.
The attack on policemen have occurred due to the impunity of their attackers who must have believed that they would get away with the attacks — a fact which may have given them impunity. For this belief to exist there must be many reasons. Foremost among them must be that in the perception of the common citizen the police force is seen to be weak and corrupt and that the people who form part of the force are weak and negligent. The fact remains that the members are often thought to be appointed only due to political patronization or through giving bribes which means that they are often the ones most unsuitable for getting the posts. The lack of professionalism is evident in their actions – which consist of mainly guarding VVIPs and chasing unarmed protesters. These are not any evidence of the integrity or efficiency of any security force.
A large part of the force lacks training. Worse, most trained officials are not utilized due to the simple fact that they have no political patrons. The attacks have brought to the fore the harsh reality that the attackers gave no respect for their uniforms. For this attitude to change there must be a fundamental change in the perception of the public mind as to how the force is viewed. Even the most hardened criminals would think twice before attacking a force who ought to be thought of as high class and honest. In the meantime, they must be given proper arms, bullet proof vests, and transports for chasing down the criminals when they happen to be located at checkposts.
