Lack of evidence, witness causes dismissing of cases at cyber tribunal


Present government with an aim to tackle growing number of cyber crimes, formulated and subsequently passed Digital Security Act, 2018, on September 19, 2018.
Since then a total of 420 petition cases have been lodged under the act, since July 31, 2019. But of the total number of cases, 98 have been scrapped by Bangladesh Cyber Tribunal, court to tackle cyber crimes cases, because of lack of materials, including proper evidences and witnesses.
In almost all the cases, where the allegation have not been accepted, the court said after reviewing all the documents submitted by the petitioner and his statement, the court did not find enough ‘materials’ to accept the case, hence it is scrapping it.
“The Digital Security Act, 2018, is a new one. Many have little or no idea about it. Many people assume that they can file cases when something, no matter how insignificant it is, goes against them through electronic device.
Mainly in such cases, the tribunal scrapped these because the materials submitted by the petitioners do not come under definition of links, contents and defamation, set by the act,” public prosecutor (PP) of Bangladesh Cyber Tribunal, Nazrul Islam Shamim told BSS here on Thursday.
The PP further said in many cases, petitioners are lodging complaints only to harass someone, and the tribunal subsequently scrapping these after reviewing.
“In many cases, the petitioner submits screenshot as evidence without the URL, the address of a World Wide Web page, link, making it worthless in terms of probing,” Shamim added.
Dhaka metropolitan public prosecutor Abdullah Abu also pointed out the lack of evidences and witnesses for dismissing of cases under digital security act, saying, “In many cases, there is no connection with the case background and concerned section.”
