Labour inspection strategy under dev

BSS, Dhaka :
As the process of developing a labour inspection strategy for Bangladesh makes progress, State Minister for Labour and Employment M Mujibul Huqe on Thursday said the government will make no compromise over the security of workers as their workplaces.
The development of the first ever labour inspection strategy for Bangladesh took a step closer following the start of a consultation process on the contents of a draft at a workshop in the city with the participation of the state minister as chief guest.
Some 50 participants representing government ministries and regulatory agencies, employers’ organisations, trade unions, brands and retailers, NGOS and development partners took part in the consultation, the first of a series of three that are planned, at Purbani Hotel.
Speaking at the inaugural session of ‘Stakeholders Workshop on Draft National Labour Inspection Strategy’, Mujibul Haque said the Department of Inspections for Factories and Establishments has undergone considerable improvement in recent years.
The development of the labour inspection strategy will help set the direction for the next five years and it will be another important step in the efforts to develop a credible and effective inspection system for Bangladesh, he added.
Labour and Employment Secretary Mikail Shipar presided over the function while ILO Deputy Director in Bangladesh Gagan Rajbhandari, Inspector General of Department of Inspections for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) Syed Ahmed and Joint Secretary of Ministry of Labour and Employment Khondaker Mostan Hossain took part in the discussion, among others.
The workshop was organized by the Ministry of Labour and Employment with the support of ILO’s Improving Working Conditions in the garment sector programme funded by Canada, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
During the consultation, the need for the strategy to go beyond key export-oriented sectors was emphasised.
The primary purpose of the labour inspection strategy is to improve Bangladesh’s current inspection system and the performance of its enforcement responsibilities consistent with international labour standards and national legislation.
The strategy identifies strategic priority areas and key measures to be undertaken over the next five years in these areas.
Once the strategy is adopted it will be used to direct the work of the Department of Inspections for Factories and Establishments (DIFE).
In addition, it will help guide employers, worker organisations, buyers and foreign investors so that they better understand the labour inspection environment.
In his presidential speech, Mikail Shipar said, “While much importance has been placed on the garment sector we must also seek to systematically widen the labour inspection process to other key industries as well as those operating in the domestic market.”
Taking part in the discussion, ILO Deputy Director in Bangladesh Gagan Rajbhandari said, by clearly spelling out strategic priority areas and key measures over the next five years, confidence in Bangladesh’s labour inspection system and as a sourcing destination will be enhanced.
The participants hoped that the comments made at the consultation will be considered and incorporated into the draft.
It is expected that the labour inspection strategy will be finalized by December 2016.