LA officials refuse to receive transfer order


Chittagong Bureau :
Twelve officials consists of surveyors and kanungos of Chittagong Land Acquisation Department under Deputy Commissioner office refused to receive the transfer order recently issued following the recent money scandal drama in the court building premises .
 Concerned office sources said none of the transferee joined in their new assignment despite passing of four days of their transfer from LA deptt. Most of the transferee informed the authority about their illness, sources added. Meanwhile the much talked surveyors viz.
 Shahidul islam Murad and Noor Chowdhury over the bribe scandal money of Tk.58 lakh remained absent from office since the issuance of transfer order. Mentionable that one persons named Md.Elias was rounded up from court building premises with Tk.58 lakh on October 14 last.
Following the arrest of Elias with bribe money of Tk.58 lakh, Chittagong Divisional Commissioner issued transfer order of these Surveyors and kanungos of the district LA office, sources said. The transfer order issued to two surveyors and 10 Kanungos, sources added.
