Kuwait`s travel ban unfortunate

THE Kuwait government travel ban on nationals of five Muslim countries came at no worst time when President Donald Trump in an executive order has banned entry of nationals of seven Muslim majority nations to the USA from early last week. Trump’s action has escalated serious violence in US cities and outside major airports as immigration officials started denying entry of the nationals of those countries from last Friday despite they are having valid passports and other resident visas including green card and study permit at different US universities.
In this background, the Kuwait government actions banning nationals of Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria, which overlaps four of the seven, except Pakistan has really come as a big shock to the Muslim world. The order says all travel visas to visitors for tour and trade will come under a ‘blanket ban’ and like President Trump the Kuwait government has also justified the ban on national security ground.
The timing of the Kuwait government action is open to question by skeptics as to whether or not it has been decreed to provide moral support to President Trump’s unjustified action banning nationals of the seven Muslim countries. This is an unwise and un-Islamic action. It is unfortunate that only shows arrogance of oil rich wealthy rulers without pride and dignity in the Muslim world.
It is really sad Kuwait and all Muslim countries are keeping silent when Trump made no secret that he is at war with the Muslims. More so they are fighting or instigating violence on each others’ land in most cases while their boneless leaders as detached from people are taking shelters of one or another big power – like the USA or Russia — when both are committed to destroy Muslim nations to expand their control over their resources.