Kuwait-bound passengers must prove they are coronavirus-free

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladeshi nationals intending to visit Kuwait must produce a health certificate declaring they are free from coronavirus to enter the country from March 8.
Certificates will have to be collected from medical centres approved by the Kuwait Embassy in Dhaka, said Biman Bangladesh Airlines in a press release on Thursday.
Kuwait accepts certificates provided by
members of Gulf Approved Medical Centres Association (GAMCA).
All Kuwait-bound passengers will have to produce the certificates stating they are not infected with coronavirus while collecting boarding cards at the airport’s check-in counters, it said.
If any passenger tries to fly for Kuwait without medical certificate, he or she will be sent back from the airport as per the Kuwait government’s new decision.
Passengers have been requested to contact Biman call centre at 01777715613-16 and at airport-01777715533 in case of emergency.
Kuwait has also applied the new rule for passengers from nine other countries. The other countries are the Philippines, India, Egypt, Syria, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Georgia and Lebanon.
According to a press statement issued by Kuwait’s civil aviation authority, certificates must be issued by the Kuwaiti embassy in the passenger’s own country before travel.
Coronavirus, which originated in China’s Wuhan, has infected more than 94,250 people globally and caused 3,214 deaths with the vast majority being in China.