Kushtia man ends up ‘fully vaccinated’ in ten minutes


A man received two consecutive jabs of Covid vaccine in Khoksa Upazila Health Complex in Kushtia just within 10 minutes Thursday.
Basharuzzaman, 38, resident of Bujruk Mirzapur village went to the designated room of the health complex at noon with his vaccination card to receive the first jab of the Covid vaccine. After receiving the first jab he mistakenly entered the room again and the nurse on duty gave him another shot of the vaccine.

Later when he asked the nurse if he was supposed to receive back-to-back two shots of the vaccine like that, the matter got the attention of everyone present there.
Currently all the Covid-19 vaccines being distributed in Bangladesh are all two-shot vaccines. Timeline for receiving the second dose after the first one is between 3-6 weeks.
Vaccine recipient Basaruzzaman said he didn’t know the system and stood again in line after receiving the first shot.
Upazila Health officer Dr Md Kamruzzaman said it’s Basaruzzaman’s mistake as he didn’t inform the nurse about having received the shot once already.
However, It should not cause any health issues in him, the doctor said.
Meanwhile Civil Surgeon of the district Dr HM Anwarul Islam said there is no scope for the authority to deny their negligence in this incident, as many illiterate general villagers may come to receive vaccines in the centers.
The involved officials have already been warned to not repeat such mistakes, he said.
