Kulaura landless people get homes of dream


Our correspondent :

Faijun Begum’s beaming face is reflecting her cherished dream of living in her own house, which may become a reality as the government pledged to provide land and houses to homeless and landless people to mark Mujib Borsho.
Asia’s husband died years ago and the octagenarian woman of Moulvibazar’s Kulaura has since had to struggle to find shelter. She lived in her daughter’s house and her son, a cattle trader, has his own family.
“Now, Prime Minister gave me a home,” she said. She added that I am now with my son, daughter-in-law and grandson.
On July 10, Mallika Dey, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) of Moulvibazar, inspected the work of the project houses in Joychandi and Karmadha Unions of Kulaura and she said, the work has been good. Beneficiaries are also very happy to get a house.
Shabjan Begum, 45, a mother of two, said a house now save her about Tk 2,000 a month which the family would otherwise pay as house rent.
ATM Farhad Chowdhury, Upazila Nirbahi Officer in Kulaura Upazila told this correspondent that 100 landless and homeless people in Kulaura have already been given Kabuliyat, Namjari Khatian and house transfer certificates as a special gift from the Prime Minister on the occasion of Mujib Year. One hundred more houses are under construction.
He said more than a hundred beneficiaries have been provided with electricity and tube wells. The rest is under process.
For Gouri Rani Das, 55, a piece of land and a house of their own signify self-esteem.
“Having my own house is like having a magic wand,” said Gouri, a home maid who lived in a rented house in Kulaura for more than two decades.
Both Faijun and Gouri’s families are get houses as part of the government’s special initiative on the occasion of Mujib Borsho–the birth centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
In the first phase, the government gave land ownership and houses to some 100 families in Kulaura Upazila in Moulvibazar.
