KUET VC’s term extended


Campus Report :
Prof Dr Muhammed Alamgir was appointed as the Vice-Chancellor of Khulna University Engineering and Technology (KUET) for second term on Monday.
President and KUET Chancellor M Abdul Hamid made the appointment as per KUET Act 2003, said a KUET release.
Prof Alamgir expressed gratitude to the President, the Prime Minister, the education minister and the chairman of University Grants Commission (UGC) for his appointment as KUET Vice-Chancellor for the second term.
After taking over the charge, the KUET Vice-Chancellor placed wreaths at the Shaheed Minar on KUET campus, Liberation War Memorial at Gallamari and the mazar of Father of the Nation at Tungipara.
He was accompanied by teachers, officers and employees of KUET. Professor Alamgir completed four-year tenure as KUET Vice-Chancellor following his first appointment on July 21, 2010.
