KL plane relatives dragged from news confce


BBC Online :Frustration with the search for missing flight MH370 boiled over into chaotic scenes as Chinese relatives were dragged away from journalists.They were attempting to speak to Chinese journalists outside the daily press conference in Kuala Lumpur.A BBC reporter was pushed away from the relatives, who were carrying banners criticising the handling of the case. Teams from 26 countries are trying to find flight MH370, which went missing on 8 March with 239 people on board.One of the relatives, a middle-aged woman, cried: “They give different messages every day! Where’s the flight now? Find our relatives! Find the aircraft!”The Malaysian government said later it regretted the scenes and ordered an investigation, saying “one can only imagine the anguish they are going through”. The BBC’s Jonah Fisher faced a wall of police when trying to speak to relatives after the news conference in Kuala LumpurDuring the daily briefing, Malaysia’s acting transport minister rejected reports that emerged on Tuesday that the plane had been spotted in the Maldives. A local councillor on the island of Kudahuvadhoo has told the BBC that about 10 people described seeing a large aeroplane some hours after it disappeared.The acting transport minister, Hishammuddin Hussein, also said the authorities had investigated almost all the passengers and crew of the plane, but had so far found no information of significance.”We have received passengers’ background checks from all countries apart from Ukraine and Russia,” he told reporters. There were two Ukrainians and one Russian on the plane.
