Recruitment of BD workers: KL firm’s bid comes into question

UNB, Dhaka :
Putrajaya, the federal administrative centre of Malaysia, should immediately disqualify the application by the
brother of Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi to register and recruit Bangladeshi workers to Malaysia, said an opposition federal lawmaker of Malaysia, citing public accountability.
DAP’s Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari said Zahid, who is also the home minister, must come clean and clarify his role in the introduction of his brother’s company, Real Time Networking Sdn Bhd, to the ministry as well as to the Bangladeshi authorities.
“If he has been found to violate ethical boundaries, then he should resign as home minister and deputy prime minister,” Zairil said in a statement. Malaysiakini reported yesterday that Real
Time Networking, owned by Datuk Abdul Hakim Hamidi, is currently negotiating with the governments of Malaysia and Bangladesh to provide an online system, according to The Malsysian Insider and Malaysian Trades Union Congress website.
The system would register and monitor 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers whom Putrajaya recently announced would be brought in over the next three years.
The news portal said the company was offering a package whereby they would collect 60,000 takas (RM3,000) for each prospective worker who wished to work in Malaysia.
The proposed system would then act as an intermediary to link the databases of the various agencies, including the Immigration Department and the Manpower Department in Malaysia.
According to documents cited by Malaysiakini, Real Time Networking had presented its proposal to the Malaysian government through a letter dated June 17 this year to Zahid, which was then forwarded to the ministry’s secretary-general, along with a handwritten note by Zahid.
Questioned about claims of nepotism, Hakim replied: “My brother is the minister but I’m a businessman. It’s a democratic country and I can do anything, other than be a drug pusher.” He added, “Malaysians are very difficult. They say if my brother is a minister, I cannot do anything.”