Kitchen market volatile

Anisul Islam Noor :
The prices of rice, fish, fruits and some vegetables increased, while that of other commodities remained stable at the weekend on Friday in the city’s kitchen markets.
Aromatic rice price increased by Tk five to six a kilo in the last seven days. Kalijeera and Chinigura varieties were sold at Tk 98 to Tk 110 and Kataribhog at Tk 72 to 78 per kg.
Medium quality of BRRIdhan-28 and Kajol Lata were sold at Tk 44 to Tk 46. Nazirshail at Tk 50 to 60 per kilo, marking an increase of Tk two.
Grocer Jamal Uddin said at Malibagh on Friday that the price of Aromatic rice rose by Tk 60 to Tk 100 for 50-kg sack in the last 10 days.
Aromatic rice trader and exporter Abdul Hoque said, fragrant rice grows during the Aman season only. The last harvesting season started with high price and it remained unchanged.
The price of most the fishes increased by Tk 20 to Tk100 a kg or per piece. Hilsha prices increased further by Tk 80 to Tk 100 a kg or piece.
Farm Rui and Katla were sold at Tk 190 to Tk 300 a kg. Indigenous Rui price increased by Tk 100 for five kilos and was sold at Tk 4,800 to Tk 5,000.
Bangladesh Fish Traders Association President Md Golam Mortuza told The New Nation that the government imposed ban on the Hilsha fishing. Moreover, many traders have been preserving Hilsha and other river fishes for extra profits during the upcoming Boishakh festival.
The price of seasonal fruits like sapodilla, berry, wood apple and custard apple has showed a Tk 10 to Tk 20 hike a kg in the last week. Sapodilla was sold at Tk 80-Tk 120 and custard apple at Tk 180-Tk 220 a kg in the fruits
markets. Watermelon was sold at Tk 160-Tk 300 a piece based on size last week.  
Of the vegetables, brinjal was selling at Tk 40 to 50 per kg, bean at Tk 35 to 45, tomato at Tk 30 to 35, Sajina at Tk 100 to 120 per kg, potato at Tk 16 to 20, carrot at Tk 25 to 30, bitter gourd at Tk 50 to 60, cucumber at Tk 30, khira at Tk 20 to 25, spone gourd at Tk 60 to 70, turnip at Tk 20 to 25, green pea at Tk 50 to 60, beat at Tk 70, papaya at Tk 25 to 30, french at Tk 60 to 70, snake gourd at Tk 60 to 70, okra at Tk 70, radish at Tk 20, pumpkin (medium size) at Tk 30 to 50 per piece, bottle gourd at Tk 30 to 45, ash gourd at Tk 20 to 35 per piece, cabbage at Tk 15 to 25, cauliflower at 25 to 30 per piece, coriander leaves at Tk 120 per kg, green chilli at 40 to 50 kg, capsicum (red) at Tk 300 per kg and capsicum (green) at Tk 250 to 260 per kg and spinach Tk five per bundle.
Lemon four pieces were selling at Tk 32 to 45.
Rupchanda, a brand of Bangladesh Edible Oil Ltd (BOEL) was selling at Tk 107 (1 litre), Tk 212 (2 litre) and Tk 530 (five litre), which was Tk 102, Tk 200 and Tk 500 respectively. Teer and Fresh branded oil, products of City Group and Meghna Group respectively, were selling at Tk 105 a litre.
Broiler chicken was sold at Tk 155 to Tk 165 per kg and layer at Tk 185 toTk 195 per kg on Friday.
Indigenous chicken was sold at Tk 390 to Tk 420 per kg while Pakistani variety was traded for Tk 240 to Tk 270 per kg.
Beef was sold at Tk 490-Tk 500 and red meat at Tk 750 to Tk 800 per kg respectively.
Onion was selling at Tk 25 per kg, and green chilli at Tk 50 to 70 per kg.