Kishorganj officials vow to uphold honour, dignity of Bangabandhu

Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
The Government officials at a discussion on Saturday strongly condemned recent vandalising of the sculpture of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and vowed to uphold honour and dignity of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
They expressed firm commitment to uphold the section 4 ‘Ka’ of the Constitution and said that upholding the dignity of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur is a moral obligation.
Officials and employees of the district and district administrations, different cadres and judiciary jointly organised the discussion at Shilpakala Academy auditorium in the town with Deputy Commissioner (DC) Sarowar Morshed Chowdhury in the chair.
Senior District & Sessions Judge Md.Saodur Rahman Khan attended as chief guest and Police Super (SP) Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar), Special Judge Kiron Chandra Hawlader, Civil Surgeon (CS) Dr. Mujibur Rahman and Syed Nazmul Islam Medical College Hospital Director Dr. Esanul Haque Mokul were special guest.
It wad addressed among others by Former Health Director Dr. Deen Mohammad, PWD Executive Engineer Bahadur Ali, President Abdul Hamid Medical College Hospital Principle Dr. Nowshad Khan.
Poura Mohila College Principle Sharif Sadi etc.
District Press Club President Mostafa Kamal, CAB district President Alam Sarowar Tito and its General Secretary Monowar Hossein Rony and others dignified persons were also present.  
The speakers demanded for bringing those who desecrated Bangabandhu’s sculpture and instigators under the law of the land and urged every citizen to remain alert against evil forces so that such heinous incident could not reoccur on this soil.