King Salman’s brother ‘returns to Riyadh’ amid Khashoggi crisis

Al Jazeera News :
The only surviving full brother of Saudi Arabia’s King Salman has reportedly returned to the kingdom, amid an international outcry over the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Prince Ahmad bin Abdulaziz flew back to Riyadh from London on Tuesday, according to three Saudi sources close to the
 prince cited by The New York Times, in what some analysts are calling a potential challenge to the authority of Saudi Arabia’s de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Sources told the Times bin Abdulaziz arrived in the Saudi capital around 01:30 (22:30 GMT on Monday) on Tuesday and was warmly received by his nephew, the crown prince, who greeted him at the airport.
London-based Middle East Eye also reported bin Abdulaziz’s return, quoting a source close to the prince as saying his return is intended to shake up the kingdom’s leadership.
“The prince wants to play a role to make these changes, which means either he himself will play a major role in any new arrangement or to help choose an alternative to MBS,” the source was cited as saying.
David Hearst, editor-in-chief of the Middle East Eye, said that Prince Ahmad’s arrival is likely to cause some discomfort for the crown prince. “Mohammed bin Salman has become a focus of the [royal] family’s discontent, a symbol of it. Prince Ahmad had always made his objection to the crown prince know.
“He was one of the three members on the allegiance council who did not vote for him. He’s made other public signs of his disapproval,” Hearst said.
One of the most senior members of the royal family, bin Abdulaziz – who has been living in the United Kingdom – is said to have agreed to return to Riyadh only after receiving security assurances from the UK and United States. Reports say the prince had been afraid to return after publicly challenging bin Salman on several occasions.