King Salman Humanitarian Relief Centre distributes Iftar among 1000 distressed people in Syedpur

Syedpur (Nilphamari) Correspondent :
King Salman Humanatrian Aid and Relief Centre distributed Iftar items among 1000 underprivileged people through International Organization for Relief, Welfare and Development (IORWD) at Jamiria Madrasa ground at Hazarihat Union under Shaheedpur Upazila in Nilphamari yesterday .
Iftar items basket weighing 25 kgs contains rice, lentils , sugar , salt and edible oil.
King Salman Humanatrian Aid and Relief Centre has been working in Bangladesh since May , 2019 and 30,000 food baskets are being distributed in different places of the country including Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar .
The total cost of the project is estimated 3 million Saudi Riyals with a target to benefit 120 thousand underprivileged people in Bangladesh . World Relief , Care and Development Authority is a executive partner of the programme .