Killing of wildlife

Md Atikur Rahman :
Indiscriminate killing of wildlife and destruction of their natural habitual is eliminating many species from the world. Should governments enact more serious laws and enforce them to protect the wildlife in Bangladesh.
Many people dislike unnecessary killing of animals. Humans, animals and plants are all important element of the natural environment. But humans are cruelly destroying plants and animals and thereby creating a danger for us all. The destruction of forests and other habitats is causing the extinction of various plants and animals every day. These losses are particularly severs in the areas of tropical forest which cover only 7 per cent of the surface of the globe, but which provide the living space for between 50 per cent and 80 per cent of all our wildlife. Many wild animals and birds such as pandas, bears, tigers, alligators, whales, wolves, eagles, falcons, kites and buzzards are faced with the threat of extinction today. Many animals die of starvation due to draught, winter and natural climate. Their declines have been accelerated by the destruction of their feeding and nesting places, by the collection of eggs, and above all by the widespread use of chemicals and pesticides which enter their food chains leading to sterility and mass deaths. Hunting of birds and animals is another cause of their extinction. Man kills birds for food and feathers.
In fact, indiscriminate killing of animals have already put many animal species to extinction or near extinction. Destruction of natural habitual ads to the misery of the animals and many are forced to leave their dens for unsafe living. Displacement is often accompanied by scarcity of food and enhanced danger of being hunter.
These displaced animals are exposed to many new dangers posed by man and other predator animals. We know that all species are important for maintaining ecological balance. If one is lost, the whole natural environment changes.
In order to protect the environment from being spoilt, we should therefore protect our wildlife. The good news is that many countries are now taking action to protect their endangered wildlife. We definitely support the proposition that government of our country should enact more strict laws to protect wildlife.
Many scientists and researches have studied wildlife extinction and their effect and our eco via system. Animals and other living species, but it very trivial, are often very important for our ecological balance.
Animal’s species maintain a systematic balance in the wilderness; elimination of a number of species from the system may result in the systems atrophy.
Conservationists are trying o create awareness among people about wildlife conservation. Scientists are warning people of the grave consequences and government is also coming up to protect wildlife species. UNESLO has declared Sundarbans as World Heritage site.
If we understand why people will wildlife, we will better understand the issues of conservation. Firstly- wildlife killing was a way of life most primitive societies. Many agrarian and backward societies still view wildlife as sources of food. Secondly -predator animals are viewed as security threat to people and their livestock. Birds, rodents and other creating animals often damage their harvest. Thirdly-poachers kill elephants and rhinos and take away their ivory task. Ivory jewelleries and ivory inlaid boxes have a lucrative market in for East, especially in Japan.
Awareness campaign and laws on killing, selling and trading will help to protect wildlife. For example, conservationist campaigns in the west through out the 1980’s have effectively reduced the use of expensive fashionable fur jackets once popular among woman. In the face of international criticism, Japan government has banned whale killing and selling of its meat. Government should not only enact rules to stop killing animals, but also ban illegal trading of animals’ meat, skin and tasks. The law should be enforced strictly conservationist organisations can be used as ally. George Haycock, author of several books on wildlife, writer: Mankind must develop a concern for wild creatures and determination that these wide species will not perish. We should save the earth’s wild creatures to save ourselves. To be kind to animals is to kind to mankind. n

(Md Atikur Rahman is a
