Killing of seven including four children shocked the nation

THE autopsy reports of the seven killed during the raid carried out at Moulvibazar’s Nasirpur, some 20km from Borohat in Sylhet by law enforcement agencies, the day before yesterday included four children and an elderly woman. Though the police had claimed they were “Neo JMB” militants who blew themselves up to avoid arrests, but how could they be so sure about their true identities? And how could an old woman besides the dead children could possibly be branded as confirmed militants? We expect the police to issue press statements based on genuine and substantive evidence.

It is not convincing to the people as a story that the militants so easily without a fight kill themselves. They could not be terrorists and so dangerous for society if out of fear of police arrest they killed themselves alongwith the minor children. Out of seven who gave up their lives only one was a man.

Police while giving information about anti-terrorism operation, should keep it in mind the trustworthiness of the facts they supply to the newsmen.


The police version is in most police cases, the terrorists hired a house a few months ago to arrange militant attacks. But as they get killed, one way or the others, we do not know which places near about were their targets of attack.

When it comes to the question of the people’s life and death the responsible police officials cannot be so light-hearted. The people must be given credible stories or not given any stories.
