Killing of banker and women safety in city

THE killing of a woman banker at her Central Road residence in the heart of the city on Thursday by her ex-husband is not an isolated incident as rights groups said the country is flooded with all types of crimes including physical assaults and that are rapidly on rise. The victim divorced her addict husband nearly six months back being regularly abused in his hands. She had also lodged a complaint with Kalabagan Police Station over her safety but she could not save her at the end. Police diary proved quite futile.

It is true that police can’t put a guard at all time but what is important is that if they had warned the man and keep him under watch, perhaps the murder could have been averted. Our concern is with the overall deterioration of the law and order situation when muggers and criminals are least bothered about police power and regularly harassing women and girls on their way to and back from office and schools and colleges. The nexus between police and criminals on many occasions has left police not much to be bothered when they want to hit a target. Police are busy now to give protection to government leaders and powerful people leaving the safety of common people totally vulnerable at all levels.

It can’t be a case that a deranged husband should kill the ex-wife, because she is no more his wife. We demand that the killer be arrested soon and put on trial. Media reports said the man met her at her place that morning and it is not clear why she was allowing him to see her. The woman was living with her mother. But as she started for office after half an hour the man indiscriminately stabbed her on the road leaving the body in a pool of blood. She died at Dhaka Medical College and Hospital later in the day from serious wounds.


In fact women are now open to growing attacks and sexual harassment throughout the country in a situation marred with growing lawlessness and aberration of justice. Joblessness and drug addiction are some reasons making man desperate to hit women. But since political leaders protect many while others just buy immunity from prosecution using money power and so crimes are going unchecked.

But the killing at the city heart is just horrifying raising question what is the safety of people – man or woman – as they go out of their home. Even many are now murdered inside homes and the desperation is growing from growing chaos and break down of law and order. Right groups released a long list of women casualties recently year-wise over the past several years and the number of women and girls killed is not small that also include suicide victims in fear of assaults. We must say such crimes must be stopped by all means before the society sinks into greater chaos.
