Killing is so easy and our police so powerful: Need is change of criminal politics


A TEXTILE mill worker at Manikganj Sadar Upazila was killed by his co-workers with pumping high-speed air into his body through rectum. The victim Md Julhas worked at Akij Textile Mills. With killing of Julhas, at least 10 people were killed by pumping air through their rectum by the recent years. What appears to us is that the cruellest way to torture someone has become merely an amusement in the society that retrograding us to jungle rule. Police arrested four co-workers for committing the crime. Despite awarding exemplary punishment of 13-year old Rakib of Khulna, who was also killed by pumping air through the rectum in 2015, the cruel way of murdering has not omitted such crud killing to be stopped
News media said, Julhas, 39, fell sick after four co-workers namely Bijoy, Sohel Rana, Labu and Samir pumped air into his rectum Wednesday night. The victim was taken to Manikganj Sadar Hospital and was later shifted to Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital in Dhaka, where he died Thursday afternoon.
We do not need sociologists to know why young people become reckless criminals although we have police all powerful. We are convinced that criminalisation of politics and using the young ones as private bahini of roughians to work under police protection are lot to do. When government patronises crime whole society is affected by what it sees happening openly. The police are also encouraged to be corrupt and criminals. The power of police is used more for committing crimes than saving the people from the criminals.
We have to change our criminalising politics. Successive governments damaged the police and the justice system easily to serve the interest of politics of power.
The present government has gone whole hog with no care of public opinion.
