Killers escape from NY prison using power tools

BBC Online :
Two convicted murderers are on the run after using power tools to escape from a maximum security jail in New York.
Richard Matt, 48, and David Sweat, 34, have been described as “dangerous individuals”, by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
They cut through steel pipes at Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora and fled through a manhole.
Mr Cumo said the prison breakout was the first escape from the facility in 150 years.
“It was an elaborate plot,” he added.
The two escapees left a taunting post-it note for their jailers saying: “Have A Nice Day!”
The New York Post reported that they cut through the steel back walls of their cell before clambering along a 6ft catwalk to reach a series of pipes and tunnels, which they again cut their way through. The pair then climbed up through a manhole into a nearby street, “disappearing into the darkness some 20 miles south of Canada”.
They placed bundles of clothing in their beds to fool guards into believing they were asleep after making their escape on Friday night. Their absence from adjoining cells was not discovered until the following morning.
Sweat was serving a life sentence without parole for the first degree murder of Broome County sheriff’s deputy.
Matt was given a jail term of 25 years to life for the kidnapping and beating a man to death in 1997.
Police are trying to
determine how the men acquired the tools.
“How they got them, and how they found their way through the maze of tunnels and pipes, remains a mystery,” The new York Post quoted officials as saying.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was shown the outside of the cell that the two inmates escaped from New York Governor Andrew Cuomo posted pictures of pipes and walls with chunks cut out after he was shown the inmates’ escape route.