Killer son


Staff Reporter :
A man was killed by his son in Nandigram upazila of Bogura district on Thursday.
The deceased has been identified as Anwar Hossain and the son as Rony Ahmed.
Sawkot Kabir, Officer-in-Charge of Nandigram Police Station, told The New Nation that they had arrested the killer son. “The dead body has been sent to Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital for autopsy,” he said.
Locals said, Anwar Hossain bought a human-hauler for his son Rony last year. Rony contributed to his family by driving it. But last two months he did not do that.
His father Anwar tried to convince him, but Rony did not respond him.
On Thursday noon, Rony coming home began quarrel with his father. At one stage the father beat Rony by a bamboo stick. Rony also stabled his father’s abdomen by a sharp knife for several times.
Seriously injured Anwar Hossain was sent to Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital for treatment, but the on-duty doctors declared him dead at 2pm.
Rony has also been admitted to the Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College Hospital for treatment there. He is now under the police custody in the hospital.
OC Sawkat Kabir said, no one has lodged any case yet. “We are looking into the matter seriously.
“Rony tried to flee from the hospital after hearing his father’s death news. But we arrested him immediately. He is now under police custody in the hospital,” the OC said.
Quoting the locals’ statement, the OC also said Rony has been taking drugs for long time. His family members and the relatives tried to bring him back from evils, but failed.
“We assume after talking with Rony that he is abnormal,” he said.
