‘Kill us too’, cries mom


Shakir Ahmed :
“What was my son’s fault? Why was he killed?” Nilufar Sultana burst into tears at the Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH) morgue. Her son Nuruzzaman Jonny was shot dead in what the detectives called ‘gunfight’ in Dhaka City’s Khilgaon area early Tuesday.
“What’s the point of keeping us alive? Kill us, too. Only Allah will punish them (who killed my son),” the devastated mother, accompanied by relatives, lamented.
Son of Yakub Ali, Johny was a student of Habibullah Bahar College and general secretary of Khilgaon thana Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal. He was married and his wife Munira Parvin is at an advanced stage of pregnancy.
