Kid’s room ceiling designs

Weekend Plus Desk :
Kid’s room is very special place in the home and it should reflect the interest
of your kid. Are your kids room is well decorated, themed room but ceiling is flat?
Now you can decorate kid’s room ceiling, we will show you the wonderful ideas
on ways to design kid’s room ceiling using theme, designs and bold colors.
Choose what you like and design your kids room ceiling.
Add a design on ceiling with stenciling which is a great idea to add pattern in room. Match ceiling colors with bed sheet and rug to give a nice look to room. A rising sun on kid’s room ceiling with bold colors and white molding looks beautiful in vaulted ceiling.
Match up ceiling color with wall color and curtains in kid’s room. Hanging lights
and task lighting on ceiling is a great idea for kid’s room.
A kid’s room with lots of colors on wall and ceiling with ceiling lights will look
different. Designing a kid’s room ceiling and color choice depends on your
imagination. Odd colour combination can make a room look dull and messy.
Symmetrical wall design and ceiling design with lights on ceiling can be your kid’s room ceiling. Bold colours on wall and white ceiling with lights are a great choice
for your kid’s room. Wall paper in kid’s room gives you the choice of themed room. White ceiling in a themed room will look dull so a matching wall paper in themed
room will give perfect look to room. Have a look on the picture and
design your kid’s room with a great imagination.
A light color ceiling with matching wall paper can be your choice. Ask your kids’
about their favourite colour and choose a best one for their room decoration.
 A white false ceiling with coloured light and hanging sun or moon in room
will be your choice. Coloured border in white ceiling and hanging objects
with bold colours can also make ceiling decorative.
There are lots of ideas of ceiling design for you. Have a look on these designs
and find nice one for your room.