Kidnapped girl rescued, kidnapper arrested from Khulna


Our Correspondent :
A girl student (14) who was kidnapped from Sharankhola Upazila in Bagerhat district was recovered and the kidnapper was arrested by the police of Sharankhola PS from Khulna divisional town at Saturday night, according to a report received here. On March 15 in the morning the girl was kidnapped while she was going from her residence in order to take lesson from a private tutor.
It is learnt from the case lodged with Sharankhola PS and the affected family that in the morning Sumana, a student of Class-IX and daughter of one Tarikul Islam Shamim Akon of village Janerpar under the Upazila was going to a private tutor for taking lessons.
But on her to the tutor Rahim Hawladar (16), son of one Mostafa Hawladar of village Nalbunia under the sane Upazila and his associates kidnapped the girl and took her to an unknown place. Finding no trace of the daughter father Shamim Akon registered a GD with the PS at the night.
After long 6 days of the kidnapping incident acting on secret information police of Sharankhola with the help of the police Sonadanga PS in Khulna City Corporation raided Baubazar area under the same PS at the night of Saturday and arrested kidnapper Rahim and rescued the girl from there. They were brought to Sharankhola PS at the same night.
