Khulsi, Bakalia power sub-stations to resume supply by next month

Chattogram Bureau :
Installation works of two power substations so far completed and expected to resume supply of power from next month .
Out of proposed 25 stub stations, Sandwip sub station resumed supply in the meantime and Bakalia and Khulsi stub-station in the city to start from next month. Chief Engineer of PDB, Chattogram southern zone Prabir Kumar Sen told media persons that 83 kilometer cables will be installed in underground with these two sub stations to avoid any unwanted incidents in open transmission line. He further said two indoor sub stations will be built in Reazuddin Bazar and Khatungong area very shortly.
It is revealed from the PDB sources that the total demand of power in Chattogram is 1600 megawatt power and the total generations in Chattogram based power plants is also 1200 megawatt . Sources said there is no crisis of power in Chattogram now.
Tk 20 lakh fined to Asian Paper Mills : A vigilance team of the Department of Environment, Chattogram Chapter convicted Asian Paper Mills of Chattogram with Tk20 lakh for alleged environment pollution.
 Director of DOE, Chattogram Moazzem Hossain after hearing the final hearing of a case at DOE office yesterday pronounced the penalty of Tk20 lakh.
 Mentionable that DOE Director visited the Mills premises on May 27 last at Hathazari for alleged environment pollution by the effluents of the paper mills. The DOE authority directed the mills authority to establish ETP by June 23 before commissioning the paper productions.