Khulna TCB worred over unsold onions

UNB, Khulna :
The demand for onion being sold by the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) has declined thanks to an increase in the amount of imported bulb.
TCB has been selling onion at Tk 45 per kg but says it is not getting good response in recent days.
Many TCB onion trucks were seen sitting idly in the city. Only a few days ago, police had to be deployed to control the buyers.
Sources said about 200 to 300 kgs of onion remain unsold per truck regularly.
The price of local onion increased by 542.86 percent while that of imported one by 572.73 percent in November compared to the corresponding period of the last year.
As per the market analysis, the price hike, which stemmed from the ban India slapped on the export of the bulb on September 29, is much higher than the TCB estimation.
Many residents of Khulna told UNB that they are not purchasing imported onion because the local variety is already available in the market at Tk 100 per kg.
Kamrul Islam who came from Dolhola intersection to purchase onion said people are losing interest in buying the kitchen item from TCB. Only weeks ago, people had to queue for hours to purchase one kg onion.
Sadhon Biswas came from Raipara Cross to buy onion. “I still come here to purchase onion but I don’t have much interest,” he said.
