11th National Parliamentary election: Khulna RO threatened thru’ unnamed letter

Khulna (South) :
Correspondent Deputy Commissioner and Returning Officer (RO) of Khulna Mohammad Helal Hossain was threatened through an unnamed letter sent by post and the letter reached the DC office on Monday, sources said. In the first part of the letter it is written- If you want to save the country and the countrymen, don’t behave any partial behavior or cleverly attitude, if it is done against this warning, by swearing in the name of Allah we say that the country would be turned into a Cremation land, nobody of you would be able to save your lives. In the second part of the letter it is written – Proshashok Saheb ! you have also children, think of them; you will realize after December 30 that losing dear and near ones are how much painful, hope you have understood, May Allah give you the strength of understanding; The country will be existed, but you and we will not be able to keep okay our existence, then why will you live taking the curse of the next generation ? However, DC Mohammad Helal Hossain told the newsmen that he had verbally informed this matter to the Authorities of Khulna Metropolitan Police. The letter is a hand written one and no name of the sender was mentioned in the letter, DC added.