Khulna man buys land on moon for wife


A Khulna man has bought an acre of land on the moon as a token of love for his wife on their sixth wedding anniversary.
MD Ashim, a resident of Modern Mor area in Khulna city, handed over the land deeds to his wife Israt Tupma on Thursday.
Md Ashim, divisional head of a private TV channel, told UNB he fulfilled his dream of gifting something very special today inspired by a man in India, who also bought land on the moon for wife for their anniversary. On September 20, Ashim bought the land worth $45 from a US agency named ‘Lunar Embassy’ owned by a man named Dennis Hop.
Ashim said after buying the land he received a selling agreement, a satellite photo of the land, geographical position of the land and legal documents from the agency.Israt Tumpa said she feels as if she literally has got the moon in her hands as a surprise gift.
Lunar Embassy is the most famous company known for selling land on the moon. According to the company per acre of land costs $24.99 to $499.
