Khulna jute mills workers for 7-point demand

JAMALPUR: A cultural programme was held on the occasion of the 103rd birthday of Boul singer Shah Abdul Karim organised by Uttoran, a socio and cultural organisation yesterday.
JAMALPUR: A cultural programme was held on the occasion of the 103rd birthday of Boul singer Shah Abdul Karim organised by Uttoran, a socio and cultural organisation yesterday.
UNB, Khulna :
The workers of Khulna Jute Mills under Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation (BJMC) has threatened to carry out movement from February 25 if their seven-point demand is not met by this time.
The demand includes implementation of wage commission, money allotment for buying jute and commissioning of their dues and wages.
Sarder Motahar Hossain, president of Jute Mill Sramik League, said that BJMC did not take any initiative for the implementation of the wage commissioner which has created agony among the workers.
A letter signed by Sarder Motahar Hossain and general secretary S M Kamruzzaman, has been sent to secretaries of the Ministry of Textiles and Jute, Ministry of Labour and Employment, Department of Labour on February 11 mentioning that if their demand is not met, they will go on movement from February 25.
