Large portion of Daulatpur Bazar Ghat devours into river Bhairab: Khulna city protection embankment now under threat, renovation yet to start due to fund shortage

KHULNA: A large portion of Khulna city protection embankment has gone into Bhairab River recently . This picture was taken from Daulatpur Bazar yesterday.
KHULNA: A large portion of Khulna city protection embankment has gone into Bhairab River recently . This picture was taken from Daulatpur Bazar yesterday.
Ahsanul Amin George, Khulna. :
Khulna city protection embankment has been collapsing gradually into the river Bhairab.
Particularly Daulatpur Bazar Ghat in Ward No. 5 of KCC is now under great threat as a large portion of the market has already gone into the river Bhairab. As such the traders and local people are suffering from collapse apprehension of the total area of the market. But it is a matter of great regret that the local administration of the Water Development Board (WDB) sought for fund several times to its head office at Dhaka for the renovation of the embankment, but still the fund was not allocated. A huge portion of the structure has collapsed in the mean time.
The embankment on the northern part of the city was built only in 2000. its concrete blocks began coming loose in spite of the fact that the dam was not so ancient as to suffer such damage, according to traders and different activists. They told that it should have lasted at least five decades and at the same time they blamed the use of substandard construction materials for its dilapidated condition.
On the other hand, the WDB officials said that some influential locals had illegally built shops on the embankment, badly harming the structure.
Traders running stores of different goods on the embankment said in the last five years, about 550 shops collapsed into the river. Some of the shops were built on bamboo platforms, extended well into the river.
It is mentionable in this connection that the flow of the river Bhairab remains normal, on the other hand, 17 of the country’s rivers often flow over the danger mark.
About the latest development, in 2014, Mujibur Rahman, the then Executive Engineer at Khulna WDB-2 had said that they had sent the proposal several times and after getting the fund from the Ministry of Finance, they will be able to start the renovating work of the embankment.
While contacted in 2014, Mozaffar Hossain, the then Director (Operation & Maintenance) of the Head office of WDB at Dhaka had told this correspondent over phone that the Finance ministry would give the fund but he could not ascertain the actual time of getting fund.
However, a large portion of Khulna city protection dam has gone into the river Bhairab. City dwellers are fearing that the dam might completely go into the river by which Khulna city might be flooded at any moment.
Water development board (WDB) sources alleged that some influential traders have been grabbing city protection dam and conducting their business. As a result , Khulna city protection embankment is facing severe threat, sourced added.
 On a recent visit, this correspondent found that a large portion of the city protection embankment has already gone into the river Bhairab. More than 300 business structures went to the river.
“Khulna city protection dam might go down into the river basin and the city might be flooded by water of Bhairab river , said Sharif Shafiqul Hamid Chandon, president of Khulna Unnayan Forum.
Sheikh Ashrafuzzaman, General Secretary of Greater Khulna Development Action Coordination Committee ( GKDACC ) said, We have been observing different programs and sought for immediate renovation of Khulna City Protection Embankment.
Sheikh Mohammad Ali, 5 No. Ward Councilor of Khulna City Corporation (KCC) who is also a Teachers’ leader said, Due to collapsing of Khulna city Protection Embankment, Daulatpur Bazar might be flooded at any moment and as such the embankment need be renovated within as early as possible.
“Meanwhile, KCC Mayor Talukdar Abdul Khaleque visited different collapsed places of Daulatpur Bazar ghat while he had told that he would recommend to the concerned authorities for immediate renovation of Khulna city protection embankment, Sheikh Mohammad Ali added.
An official of Division – 2 of WDB said, earlier in 2011 they applied to the higher authorities tor allocating fund asking tor TK. 22 Crore, 19 lakh. But the said fund was not yet got and the repair works are not possible to be implemented.
The said official further said. “Several times We sent proposal and asked for fund with a view to repair Khulna city protection dam and at last we sent a letter to the higher authorities on August 11, 2014. After getting approval of our proposals and fund by the ministry of finance, we will be able to start the repairing works”, he added.
WDB sources said, in fiscal 1993-94, building of Khulna city protection dam with the financial aid of Asian Development Bank (ADB) under the secondary town integrated flood protection project. Under this project 3.5 kilometers dam building was made at 28/2 polder. Besides, setting up 6 regulators, erosion affected Khulna Jailkhana ghat, Khulna general hospital ghat, IWTA ghat, Rujvelt jetty, Ansar flour mill and 2.89 kilometers area of Government B.L. College were included in the project. Under the supervision of WDB the project was implemented in 1998.
WDB sources alleged that most of the traders built their constructions without abiding any rules and as such the city protection dam is facing threat. Cracks developed in the main embankment and hospital ghat, Kalibari ghat and Delta ghat have already gone down to the river, sources added.
On condition of anonymity, an engineer of WDB said, most of the traders have built their houses without following any rules and by grabbing river side. For this reason Khulna city protection dam is posing threat, he added.
Saddam Hossain,Mostafa Kamal, Yunus Sheikh, Abul Kalam and Zaved Ali, traders of Dualatpur Bazar urged to the concern authorities to repair the city dam within short time with a view to save lives and valuables.
Md. Mizanur Rahman Milton, leader of Daulatpur Three Wheelers Drivers’ Union said, we, the inhabitants of Daulatpur area sought for immediate renovation of Khulna City Protection Embankment so that Daulatpur Bazar might save from the devouring into the river Bhairab.
 Some students of Daulatpur govt. B.L. University College said, college portion of Khulna city protection dam should be repaired immediately, otherwise hostels, temple and dormitories might be devoured at any moment.