Khulna city dwellers not happy with pre-paid power meters

Khulna (South) Correspondent :
The West Zone Power Distribution Company Limited (WZPDCL) has started supplying of pre-paid electric meters in Khulna city but the city dwellers are not happy with this system..
Most of the people think, the pre-paid meter system is more uncomfortable than that of previous electric wire system. Consumers could pay their bills after using electricity after the end of the current month.
 If any consumer fails to pay the same within due time, he could pay it within two months. But in the present situation, consumers have to purchase pre-paid cards which may end at any moment.
According to some city dwellers, consumers will not use electricity at random in fear of ending cards. They will not kindle lights at verandas. For this reason theft may increase.
Snatchers may more active by taking opportunity of dark. In a word, the city may turn into haunted area.
Recently, staff of WZPDCL fell in a hazardous condition while they went to set pre-paid meters at city’s Khalishpur Durbar Shangho area.
WZPDCL staff went to Daulatpur Bananipara area taking help of police, but due to resistance of the locality, they could not succeed. Later, they technically set meters at noon in absence of the house owners.
Asalat Sheikh, a rickshaw puller of city’s Daulatpur area said, by riding rickshaw, he conduct the family with great difficulties, it is not possible for him to purchase cards of pre-paid meter.
Shahnaj Begum, a housewife of Khalishpur area said, my children study, I can’t understand when the card would finish, as such their study will hamper seriously.
Faruk Hilton, councilor of 10 no. ward of KCC said, power department staffs informed him over phone about the matter of obstruction of the local people, he will talk to them and try to explain the matter.
Monjul Karmokar, Executive Engineer, Division-3 of WZPDCL said, We went to set pre-paid meters free of cost. He said adding that some 40 pre-paid meters were given to the consumers and this act will be continued.