Khulna BNP`s hartal protesting killing of party leader today

UNB, Khulna :
District unit BNP will enforce a half-day hartal in the district on Saturday protesting killing of BNP leader Alauddin Mithu.
The decision was taken from a emergency meeting of Khulna city BNP at it’s office here on Friday morning, said Nazrul Islam Manju, central organising
secretary of Khulna BNP.
“The hartal will remain in force from 6am to 12pm and a 4-day protest programme has also been announced from the meeting, he said.
The programmes included-hoisting of black flags atop BNP offices in the district and holding protest meetings in 10 districts of Khulna division.
On Thursday, Alauddin Mithu, 45, organising secretary of district unit BNP, was gunned down by miscreants at Damodar in Phultala upazila.
Mithu’s bodyguard Nowsher, 40, and Mithu’s father-in-law Shoyeb Selim also suffered bullet wounds during the incident.