Khaleda’s serious illness is being hidden: Rizvi

Staff Reporter :
BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi has said the party Chairperson Khaleda Zia is seriously ill, but alleged that her illness is being hidden.
He made the allegation at a press conference held in the party’s central office at Nayapalton in the city on Sunday.
Rizvi said, “Khaleda Zia was imprisoned with serious illness. She was not given the opportunity to be treated. Without treatment, she has become very weak.”
“The courts, police, administration, Election Commission all are now under the Prime Minister. There is no more shelter for human rights,” he alleged.
The BNP leader said, “Khaleda Zia’s detention is only a person’s vengeance.”
BNP Vice-Chairman Nitai Roy Chowdhury, Joint Secretary General Khairul Kabir Khokan, Swechchhasebak Dal Affairs Secretary Mir Sharafat Ali Shapu, and Organizing Secretary Selimuzzaman Selim were present at the press briefing.