Khaleda’s securitymen triggered Karwan Bazar incident, says Asad

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Khaleda Zia’s security personnel instigated Monday’s violence at Karwan Bazar that led to the attack on BNP chief’s motorcade, claims State Minister for Home Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal.
According to him, Khaleda’s security personnel took on the ‘agitated people’, which triggered the incident.
“The fact that Khaleda Zia’s motorcade was attacked is not totally true. Businessmen who suffered during the 92 days of BNP agitation were upset when Khaleda Zia went there.
Trouble erupted when her security personnel pounced on them,” Kamal said on Tuesday.
Speaking to reporters at Dhaka’s launch terminal, he said that investigations will reveal what really happened there. After relaxing her anti-government agitations, Khaleda Zia started to campaign for BNP- endorsed candidates for the city polls.
On the third day of her campaigning, her motorcade was attacked, when she arrived at Dhaka’s Karwan Bazar on Monday afternoon.
The former prime minister escaped unharmed, but the party claims seven, including Khaleda’s personal secretary and security personnel, were injured.
An Awami League leader has filed a case over the incident the same day accusing BNP activists.