Khaleda’s physical condition remains unchanged


News Desk :
The physical condition of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia, now undergoing treatment at the coronary care unit of the city’s Evercare Hospital, has remained unchanged today (Friday) like the previous day, said her private physician Professor Dr AZM Zahid Hossain.
He briefed the media about the BNP Chairperson’s physical condition appearing at the Evercare Hospital premises on Friday night.
Professor Dr Zahid Hossain said the members of Khaleda Zia’s medical board examined her early Friday afternoon. After
examining, they found that her condition has remained the same as it was on Thursday. Her treatment is now going on as usual.
Asked whether Khaleda Zia’s physical condition permitted to take her abroad boarding a plane, Professor Dr Zahid Hossain said the medical board would think about it after receiving the government’s decision.
