Khaleda’s life in threat, needs better treatment: Rizvi

Staff Reporter :
BNP Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said that the party Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia needs bail from the jail for better treatment immediately as her life is in threat.
He said it a press conference at BNP’s central office in city’s Nayapalton on Wednesday arranged by Doctors’ Association of Bangladesh (DAB) Dhaka city north unit.
Rizvi Ahmed said that their 75-year old leader was in critical condition as

 left side of her body was almost paralysed and she was unable to get up from bed without anyone’s assistance.
He said, “People of the country believe that pushing Begum Khaleda Zia towards fatal physical harm by barring her release and not providing proper treatment to her are parts of the government’s plan.”
“Khaleda Zia’s relatives have not been allowed to meet with her for the last 25 days which is a violation of jail code,” he added.
Rizvi hoped that the Supreme Court’s Appellate Division would grant Khaleda Zia’s bail on today.
He said, “Our party Chairperson had right to get bail considering the laws, the Constitution, human rights, basic rights, age and her illness.”
