Khaleda’s jailing anniv: BNP’s protest prog tomorrow


BNP on Saturday announced a countrywide protest programme for Monday to mark the third anniversary of the imprisonment of its Chairperson Khaleda Zia in a graft case.
Party Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir declared the programme at a press conference at its Nayapaltan central office.
“February 8 will mark the third anniversary of the jailing of our leader Khaleda Zia. On this day, BNP will hold protest rallies in all districts and metropolitan cities across the country, including Dhaka city,” he said.
On February 8, 2018, Khaleda was sent to Old Dhaka Central Jail after a lower court sentenced her to five years’ imprisonment in Zia Orphanage Trust graft case. The High Court later doubled her five-year jail term.
Khaleda was found guilty in another corruption case the same year, though her party claims both cases are politically motivated.
Amid the coronavirus outbreak, the government freed Khaleda Zia from jail for six months through an executive order suspending her sentences on March 25 last year.
On August 27, the government extended her release for six more months.
Rizvi said though Khaleda was released from jail, she has remained under house arrest at her Gulshan residence. “The leader who restored the rights of the country’s people with immense sincerity and love is now under house arrest.”
He also said Awami League which ‘destroys democracy, snatched’ people’s all rights have imprisoned Khaleda Zia to safely hang onto power. “Khaleda Zia has been unjustly convicted and imprisoned in false cases by the current undemocratic government.”
Stating that the entire nation is shocked over the imprisonment of Khaleda, Rizvi said people will surely free her completely from jail, ending the ‘undemocratic’ rule of the current Awami League government.
