Khaleda’s Gatco case hearing deferred

Court Correspondent :
A Dhaka court yesterday fixed January 26 for hearing on charge framing in Gatco graft case against BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia and others.
Acting judge Nazrul Islam of the Special Judge Court -3 of Dhaka fixed the date, granting a time plea of the defence lawyers.
Earlier Tuesday was fixed for hearing on charge framing in the case, but prime accused Begum Khaleda Zia did not appear in the court on health ground, and her counsels pleaded time.
The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed the case against 13 people including Khaleda Zia and

her younger son Arafat Rahman on September 2, 2007, with Tejgaon Model Police Station.
The case was filed against them for their role in corruption about making a contract with Global Agro Trade (Private) Co Limited (Gatco) for container management at inland container depots in Dhaka and Chattogram.
Formal charge-sheet was submitted against 24 people on May 13, 2008. But, of the 24 accused, six including Arafat, Saifur Rahman and Matiur Rahman Nizami died.
