Khaleda’s condition stable: BSMMU

Staff Reporter :
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia and the authorities of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) are satisfied over the treatment being provided to her, says Professor Zilan Mia Sarkar, chief of the BSMMU medical board, formed over the treatment of Khaleda Zia.
BSMMU authority made the statement at a press
conference on the institution campus on Monday. He said, ‘In some cases her health conditions are stable and improving. She is undergoing medical checkup every day. Khaleda Zia does not need to go abroad for treatment.’
‘When the BNP chairperson came to the hospital, she could not walk. But now she can walk with assistance,’ said Zilan Mia adding, ‘She needs to stay at the hospital for modern treatment for some more days. After that she can take treatment from anywhere as usual.’
The medical chief also said that her diabetes and dental problems were under control while they were yet to get consent from her regarding some ‘prerequisite vaccines’ for arthritis treatment.
BSMMU Director Brigadier General AK Mahbubul Hoque said, the health condition of BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia is stable with significant improvement in some cases and remained stable in some other cases over the last seven months since she was admitted to our hospital.
“Overall, Khaleda Zia’s health condition didn’t deteriorate in any way. She is receiving good treatment at their hospital and she is taking medicines as prescribed by the five-member medical board formed by the government to provide treatment to her,” said the BSMMU Director.
In the wake of allegation by BNP leaders and the family members that Khaleda’s health condition turned critical as she is not getting proper treatment, the BSMMU authorities held the press conference on her health condition.
Earlier on Friday, Khaleda Zia’s sister Selima Islam said they want to send the former prime minister abroad for better medical care as she is ‘seriously ill’.