Khaleda’s bail stayed on Govt dictation: BNP

Staff Reporter :
BNP on Tuesday claimed that the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court stayed party Chairperson Khaleda Zia’s bail granted by the High Court Division on government dictation.
“The incident of staying Khaleda’s bail by the Appellate Division was government-dictated. It is an unprecedented incident,” said BNP Senior Joint-Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi at a press briefing at the party’s central office in the city.
He also claimed that, “Staying Khaleda’s bail is the implementation of order of Sheikh Hasina. Khaleda Zia is a victim of vendetta of the Prime Minister.”
 “High Court granted the bail to Khaleda Zia in a false case filed in Cumilla. The people are now questioning whether the illegal government has taken the highest court into its clutch after totally gripping the lower courts,” he said.
The BNP leaders said their party has taken preparations to organize a protest rally in front of their party’s central office at Nayapaltan on July 5 at 3:00pm demanding Khaleda Zia’s release and treatment.
Rizvi said the party has submitted letters to Dhaka Metropolitan Police commissioner and Dhaka South City Corporation mayor informing about holding protest rally.
The party also wants to observe token hunger strike from 9:00am to 4:00pm on July 9.
 It also submitted applications to authorities concerned of Mahanagar Natya Mancha and Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh in Dhaka for allowing any of the two venues.
The BNP leader also condemned the attack incidents on quota reform movement students and their parents.
BNP Vice-Chairmen Ahmed Azam Khan and Dr. AZM Zahid Hossain and Assistant Organising Secretary Abdus Salam Azad, among others, were present.